Saturday, March 30th | Starting at 10am Peter Bluesten Park
We’ll be passing out FREE TREES to Hallandale Beach Residents as part of our new Tree Planting Partnership with the City of Hallandale. The giveaway will be taking place during the Hallandale Beach Easter Celebration on Sat, March 30th starting at 10am.
This will be a Walk-up Tree Giveaway, with options of both native and fruit trees.
Must be a Hallandale Beach Resident to receive a tree.Trees will be passed out on a first-come, first-served basis, with a limit of TWO trees per household (1 fruit tree maximum).
Species Options: Native Trees:Gumbo limbo, Sweet acacia, West Indies cherry Fruit Trees:Mango (glenn), Tamarind
All trees come in 3-gallon containers. Species and times subject to change.