
Planting your tree is just part of the process.

Proper planning and care before & after your tree is in the ground will help it grow and thrive, allowing it to provide the maximum amount of benefits over its lifetime.

Proper Tree Planting Procedures

  1. Before You PlantCall 811 before you dig, choose best location, right tree, right place

  2. Planting Your TreeWatch the video below to learn the proper planting steps and procedures

  3. After You PlantHow to care for your tree including: watering, staking, mulching, and maintenance

Before You Plant

Here are some key steps before you begin to plant your tree:

  1. Right Tree, Right Place: Determine the proper species based on your planting site’s conditions (sun/shade/drainage, future growth potential, etc).
  2. Call Before You Dig: Call 811 to ensure you are clear of all utilities.
  3. Maintenance & Care Plan: Ensure you have a plan to properly water and care for the tree, especially in its first year to help it become established.

Planting Your Tree

Properly planting your tree is key to ensuring it has the best opportunity to thrive and grow!

Improper techniques, such as planting too high or low, not giving a proper ‘root massage’, or creating a ‘mulch volcano’ can increase the chances of future problems.

Watch this video on proper planting techniques.

After You Plant

Now that your tree is in the ground, you need to ensure it’s receiving the proper care to thrive!

  1. Mulching: Mulch helps retain water, keeps out weeds, and provides buffer for mower/trimmer damage
  2. Watering: Newly planted trees need frequent watering in their first year (especially first 6-9 months).
  3. Pruning/Maintenance: Pruning and other maintenance will help the tree grow properly and lower the risk of future problems.

Tree Species – FACT SHEETS
(N) – Native, (F) – Fruit, (FL) – FL Friendly
Avocado (F)Barbados cherry (F)Cinnecord (N)Guava (F)Gumbo limbo (N)
Jackfruit (F)June plum (F)Kapok (FL)Live oak (N)Loquat (F)
Mango (F)Miracle fruit (F)Mulberry (F)Paradise tree (N)Satinleaf (N)
Short-leaf fig (N)Silver buttonwood (N) Simpson’s stopper (N)Slash pine (N)Soldierwood (N)
Spanish bayonet (N)Star fruit (F)Wax myrtle (N)Wild mastic (N)Wild tamarind (N)

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