
Weston Tree Giveaway w/ DHL

Community Greening has teamed up with DHL to pass out 150 FREE TREES on Saturday, Oct. 8th at the DHL eCommerce Solutions Building in Weston, FL.

We’ll be running a Drive-thru Tree Giveaway, funded by DHL, and passing out 150 native and fruit trees, with options of: Gumbo limbo, Loquat, Miracle fruit, and Simpson stopper.

The Tree Giveaway begins at 9am.

Trees will be passed out on a first-come, first-served basis, with a limit of two trees per household. No residency requirements, everyone is welcome!

Tree Giveaway will be set-up at the DHL eCommerce Solutions Building. Follow the signage, and proceed to the Community Greening tents to get your tree(s) while they last.

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